Why there’s so much confusion about HRT
Hormone replacement therapy, called HRT for short continues to be an area of mixed and confusing opinions. Much of that confusion has come from how the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study was summarized and overlooking the differences on how synthetic and bio identical hormones work in the body.
Building muscle in Menopause is essential
One of the many changes in perimenopause and menopause is a decrease in your ability to burn carbohydrates, lowering your metabolic health. This leads to more weight gain, brain fog and increases your risk for diabetes. Strength training, or building muscle helps keep your metabolically fit, helps you maintain a healthy body composition and keeps you moving and feeling good!
Stress is higher in Menopause
Stress is higher in menopause with higher activation of the sympathetic nervous system. It’s important to understand how your nervous system is affected by peri and postmenopause to optimize recovery and understanding how best to utilize HRV scores.
Progesterone Affects Your Recovery
Progesterone influences your heart rate variability or HRV. This is important when working hard to maximize recovery and absorb all your training. It’s also important to balance your nervous system and prevent burnout. Using your hormones to your advantage not only feels great it can supercharge your training and recovery efforts.
Recovery is Essential
Recovering is the most essential part of training and an area often overlooked by active and athletic women. Insufficient recovery can lead to hormone imbalance, irritability, gut dysfunction, and frustrating body composition changes - like storing fat and not being able to build muscle.
Hydration is more than drinking water
Optimizing hydration requires thought and intention, it’s more than just drinking water. Getting specific with your body means understanding what your body needs to effectively and efficiently hydrate, especially during training and races.
Stress resiliency
Stress resiliency is how well you adapt to and bounce back from stress. The better your resiliency, the healthier, stronger and more successful you will be.
Food sensitivities & allergies are important - And Not the same thing
Food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances are all food driven immune reactions in the body and important to identify for optimal health. They differ in what type of immune and inflammatory reaction is triggered, how they manifest and what testing is needed to discover them. Understanding how to best support your body nutritionally involves knowing what’s nourishing you and what might be inflaming you.
Overtraining or undereating?
Under fueling and overtraining can present with similar symptoms and create short and long-term health problems. Undereating and not recovering enough can sabotage your training, hormones and desired body composition as well as create irreversible hormonal changes. Learn how to identify if you’re not eating enough and how better to support your body and build resiliency.
Bloating is not normal
There are many reasons why you may be experiencing bloating or other digestive dysfunction. It’s not “normal” to have regular or daily bloating, there’s a reason and it’s worth discovering as the health of your gut directly influences your hormones and brain health.
You do have control over your body in Menopause
Peri & post menopause can feel confusing and frustrating as your body changes in unexpected ways. These simple adjustments to your nutrition and exercise routines can bring enormous relief and allow you to take back control over your body.
It’s not your age
There’s a reason things are changing and it’s not your age. Hormonal shifts, metabolic disruptions and normal wear and tear on the body require adjustments to nutrition and lifestyle to keep the body supported and resilience.
Not eating enough might be the problem
Not eating enough, intentionally or not, can lead to fatigue, poor performance, irritability, hormonal imbalances, and digestive upset. There are serious long-term risks too. Learn more about fueling yourself properly to feel your best.
Adrenal dysfunction or Low Thyroid?
Adrenal dysfunction and low thyroid symptoms can be confusing to tell apart. Learn a few key differences and how they interact.
estrogen & your mood
Estrogen significantly affects serotonin levels in the brain, this can dramatically influence your mood. Learn how you can prevent mood swings throughout your cycle and in menopause.
find the root of your hormone imbalance
Finding the source of your hormone imbalance is key to efficiently and adequately fixing the problem. Take the Hormone Quiz and get to the root of your symptoms.